
These pages are about the traditional textiles that I have encountered in my travels over the last 20+ years.

In the menu above, I have grouped entries by region, country, and then by ethnicity, location or technique. I have a backlog of textile images from my travels in South and Central America, so I plan to eventually add Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Guatemala. The Techniques page goes into the nitty-gritty of how some textiles are produced, and Resources lists books and websites to help you explore further. Tours will give you information about opportunities to travel to Bhutan with me.

I have uploaded many full-resolution photos so that those of you who are like me in wanting to see every detail of how textiles are made can enlarge them. Please respect the copyright in these images and ask me if you want to use them, or credit me if you re-pin them. I haven’t added watermarks because I want you to enjoy their beauty unblemished.

To see where your explorations are taking you, use the black menu bar at the top. For a sampler slideshow visit Taster. Or to leap straight in, click on an image below to visit a related post: